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Keep scrolling for stand-alone classes, appearances, guest teachers and goings on. 

Cultivating the Intentional Feminine 2024

Wyllie Fox Farm

September 14 2024

For tickets use the link below:

Lauren will be leading a workshop entitled Meeting Four Herbs for Women's Health. Join us!


Join Upstate and the CNY Lyme Alliance for the 2024 Summit

Lauren will be teaching on Integrative Strategies for Chronic Lyme along with a panel of other incredible speakers. For more info on how to register, click the link below!


The Integrative Health Empowerment Series.

Welcome to a brand new class series.

It's really frustrating to be a patient in the American healthcare system. It's really frustrating to be anyone in the American healthcare system. There is never enough time, never enough money and never enough education. Folks are constantly left feeling like their care is inadequate, like providers don't listen (or don't care) or worst of all, completely invalidated. If you are someone who struggles with a chronic illness or has a complicated health story, all of that has the potential to get exponentially worse.

Enter this course. Brought to you by a registered herbalist and integrative primary care provider, join us as we go through some of the "land mines" of the medical world - conditions, symptoms, disorders and diseases that are tough to diagnose, tough to treat, and for which care can be difficult to access. Unlike other classes taught by Lauren, this series will emphasize a new skillset, including the following:

*When to suspect a given disease in yourself or your loved ones

*How to self-advocate in the exam room

*Which tests, diagnostics and/or referrals to request

*Treatments (both holistic and pharmaceutical) that are recommended

  vs. NOT recommended

*Managing expectations for improvement

lessons on long COVID
TBD, January 2025

Stay tuned for more details about this class - full info will be released as we get closer <3


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